About Us

We are a bunch of friends who had been in search for print on demand composition notebooks, which are almost locally made or as close as possible where we live.

A while ago we did pump over the composition notebooks on Amazon which can be ordered on different markets, respectfully to the countries where we live in. This notebooks of Amazon are a good print and as we noticed printed either in the country of order or close by (like a neighboring country).

About our website name jpschoolnotebooks

As parents we had been looking around for a unique and simple designed notebook which can be easily identified. We came across the works of JP von Preetz and did like them from the start. They looked good and after ordering a few of them we started the journey of building this site for fun, with the name of the author in mind and as we mainly are using this notebooks for school it was obvious of us to merch all three names together.

About our website aggregation listing

We will keep on adding more and more notebooks over the span of time. Currently we will be adding mainly school notebooks, but eventually we will have some sections with just for fun notebooks with designs which we might find interesting.
So do come back to visit us sporadically to see if any new additions are added. Yes we do not have newsletters as we ourselves are getting tiered of getting so many newsletters which we need to unsubscribe after a while. We believe more in a bookmark system, which is more like going to your favored local store to check out if they have anything new and interesting.

A little bit about our philosophy about advertisement

As yourself, we are almost curtain about it, you have been on websites which are loaded with advertisements. We know this is an income stream, however this can be very distracting. So we decided among us not to run advertisement on the site. Eventually we might enroll in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program in the future, if we should do this, it will be clearly stated on the site.